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Get Informed What is Simplified Interline Settlement (SIS)

An IATA initiative designed to switch to the next generation of interline billing in an effort to streamline key processes and reduce paper wastes. Customers are reminded that ICH Web service will be discontinued and all billings to the ICH (IATA Clearing House) will need to be made via SIS, starting end of April 2013.
Reference IATA SIS

A key factor to reducing costs is by automating and simplifying your revenue accounting through our integrated Interline Billing portal. You also gain direct benefit from accurate and timely invoicing process to your partners. You will be able to optimize processes, reduce costs and improve cash flow. Using IEG’s Interline Billing portal, you immediately achieve compliance with SIS requirements and start to realize benefits. You are in a position to issue accurate billing details and allows for dispute-free settlements.

Use A.I.M.S. as your lounge application to collect passenger traffic data for all your lounges. Whether you have one local lounge or manage a network of lounges across continents, the data is securely available through IEG’s Interline Portal.

The streamlined approach for your lounges is as follows:

  • Interline Billing portal opens a secure channel to your lounge data with AIMS.
  • Provides accurate partner profile (Buyers & Sellers) based on pre-agreed billing values, applicable taxes and information management.
  • Auto generate invoices at the start of a new month based on lounge status. As such, your only action is to approve and post!
  • Approved invoices are electronically posted to your:
    • SFTP - for your in-house accounting and/or
    • ICH - for IS-XML and CSV with full SIS compliance.
  • Review rejection log.
  • Email notifications are provided at every step.
  • Paperless document and Document Storage Support
  • Encompasses VIP Lounges and Miscellaneous – Cargo, Catering, etc...

Lounge Services Focusing on customer loyalty

Did You Know?

IEG Lounge Services provides a suite of apps and services designed to simplify your VIP Lounge operations. The collection of IEG’s services are intended to enhance your customer loyalty, enhances revenues and reduce costs.

Where many airlines are satisfied simply to capture a customer’s chronicles from point "A" to point "B", it is IEG's belief that an entire customer story needed to be told and understood. Retaining and understanding the customer’s travel story is pivotal to preserving their loyalty. To this end, IEG put forth its FrontOffice Touch-Point eCRM solutions in response to the question, "What else Happened?"

Benefit summary are as follows:

IEG’s Interline Billing portal is now IATA’s Simplified Interline Settlement (SIS) compliant. Integrated with AIMS to record passenger visits in your lounges, invoices are auto generated at the start of the month. Your next steps are to approve and post the invoices for internal accounting and ICH.

IEG’s Interline Billing portal facilitates importing of Miscellaneous invoices (in addition to lounges) and regroup invoices by supplier.

  • Improves cash flow and timely settlement
  • Immediate SIS compliance
  • Eliminate manual audits
  • Eliminate rejects and re—billing
  • Eliminates disputes
  • Real-time reporting – perform “What if” views
  • Reduce costs and improves cash flow

Get Started Enhance your invoicing process

IEG’s Interline Billing portal offers a cost-effective and proven solution to implement new standards. Apart from SIS compliance for your lounges, IEG’s secure web portal facilitates importing Miscellaneous Invoices enabling a complete paperless and integrated billing process for your supplier. This means:

1. No added infrastructure
2. No licensing fees

Simply, Pay-as-you-Go!

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Information Engineering Group Inc.

395 St-Croix, Suite 206

Montreal, QC H4N2L3